If you aren’t sure if your senior loved one is experiencing age-related memory loss or exhibiting signs of Alzheimer’s, there are some warning signs you can watch for that may indicate the latter. Though it’s important to get your loved one diagnosed by a doctor if you are concerned he or she is developing the disease, the Tucson Alzheimer’s care experts at Home Care Assistance offer some information on these signs as well as those of normal age-related behavior.
Memory Loss Interfering with Daily Life
One of the earliest signs of Alzheimer’s is memory loss, especially if a senior keeps asking for the same information. If you notice your loved one needs to use aids like electronic devices or notes more often, this may be cause for concern. When your loved one sometimes forgets an appointment or the name of his or her Tucson caregiver, but remembers it later, it may only be age-related memory loss.
Confusion About a Place or Time
Seniors with Alzheimer’s can lose track of the time of year and specific dates. They may even forget where they are and not remember how they got there. If your loved one gets a little confused about the day of the week, but later figures it out, this is often normal age-related behavior for an elderly person.
Difficulty Speaking or Writing
Elderly people with Alzheimer’s may find it challenging to join or follow a conversation. They may even have difficulty finding the right words or call ordinary things by the wrong name. However, it’s normal if your loved one sometimes has trouble finding the right words to say.
Poor Judgment
Experiencing changes in decision-making is a top sign of Alzheimer’s. For example, your loved one may make poor decisions when handling cash and give large sums to telemarketers. He or she may also pay less attention to grooming and hygiene. Making bad decisions on occasion is normal and not usually cause for concern.
Changes in Mood
Personalities may change when seniors have Alzheimer’s. Some find themselves frequently becoming anxious, confused, scared and suspicious, while others quickly become upset when out with friends, at home, or at work. When seniors develop a specific way of doing an activity and become agitated if a routine is interrupted, this is most likely normal behavior.
If you are concerned your loved one is developing Alzheimer’s or is at risk for the condition, there are some steps you can take to boost his or her cognitive health. At Home Care Assistance, we offer a program called the Cognitive Therapeutics Method (CTM), which is designed to help slow cognitive decline and delay the onset of dementia. For more information on CTM and the home care Tucson families can trust, call one of our qualified Care Managers at (520) 276-6555 to schedule a no-obligation consultation.